Welcome to the Brown Deer Men's Golf Club
Register for Membership (Click Here)
Events Calendar
Match Play Formats - Register by April 20th
Season Prize $'s
If you are interested in playing friendly, competitive golf on weekends with other avid golfers on Milwaukee's premiere public golf course, the Brown Deer Men's Golf Club is for you. If you are a prospective member and have any questions, send an email to bdgcnews@gmail.com.
Formed in 1934, the Brown Deer Men’s Golf Club is comprised of over 225 amateurs who enjoy playing competitive golf and the camaraderie of membership. The club holds several handicapped, scratch, stroke play, match play, individual, and team competitions for its members each year at Brown Deer Park Golf Course and other Milwaukee area courses.
Annual club dues are as follows:
- Associate Membership (age 25 or less as of Jan. 1): $80
- Men 26+ (including seniors who have not been a member for 5 consecutive years): $130
- Men 65+ (as of Jan.1 and after 5 consecutive years as a member): $95
To be eligible for play in events as a new member, you must have or establish an active handicap index of less than 30. If higher after establishing an index, players are ineligible for competitions until 29.9 or better. Click here to register.
Our events - play as many as you can:
The Annual “Majors”
1-2-3 game with 4-man teams (A-B-C-D assigned by the committee). Played at 85% of handicap. 8:00 a.m. shotgun starts with lunch and a brief club meeting after golf.
Saturday, June 2 - The Memorial
2-Man Blind Draw Best Ball Stableford (net). Played at 85% of handicap per USGA recommendations for the 2-man best ball format. Tee times begin at 7:06 a.m.
Sunday, June 29 - The Quota Classic
2-man teams earn points (modified Stableford, net) relative to a “quota” for their handicaps. Played at full handicap. Tee times begin at 7:06 a.m.
Saturday, July 21 - The President’s Cup
Individual Stableford (gross and net). Tee times begin at 7:06 a.m. Lunch at the turn or after golf is included.
August 10 and 11 - Bill Eckhardt Best Ball (New Member-Member or Member-Guest)
2-day, 2-person best ball, 85% of handicap. Members may register with another member or a guest (anyone with an active handicap index under 30, including women and children).
Saturday, September 28 - The Wind-Up
Individual stroke play (low gross and low net). 8:00 a.m. shotgun start. Played at 95% of handicap. Lunch and brief club meeting after golf.
Other Events
Match play tournaments - play as many as you are eligible to play and schedule your own tee times before round due dates (May through September):
- Club Championship: 36-man bracket, played at scratch. If more than 36 players register, the lowest handicap indexes are in.
- Cup Matches: 16-man brackets, flights A - D by handicap indexes, played at 100% handicap. The first 64 players are eligible.
- Senior Cup Matches: 16-man brackets, flights A - C by handicap indexes, played at 100% handicap. The first 48 players age 50+ are eligible.
- Kreger 2-Man Match Medal Tournament: 64-team bracket, handicapped at 100%, total net team score hole-by-hole.
Other weekend play:
- Spring Tour: Discounted golf on three weekends starting in mid-April at other area courses including The Irish Course, Washington County, and Naga-Waukee.
- Summer Tour: Tee times beginning at 7:06 a.m. on five weekend mornings for up to 48 members. Net Stableford or game of the day formats for $16 prize fund entry.
Inter-club MCPLA matches (~ monthly):
Each club in the County fields teams of 12 members for each of four matches (teams can vary by event) and competes for a season-long point title. Matches are played at Brown Deer, Oakwood, Whitnall, Currie, and Grant. Played at full handicap. Players typically compete against others with similar handicap indexes (low against low / high against high).
Annual awards happy hour, dinner, and year-end meeting - October, 2024 date TBDMilwaukee County Public Links: www.mcplawi.com/p/events.html
WI Public Links: www.wiscpublinks.com
WI State Golf Association: http://wsga.org/